Thursday, April 28, 2011

We grow in our sleep!

Lots of lovely photos arriving from the puppies in their new homes, so here are a few to share.
Clearly Eden (Farlap Bargain) is taking the mantra of "growing in your sleep" to a whole new dimension as she appears to do a lot of sleeping.....when shes not out doing baby tracking lessons that is!!
Bran has had a few trips out with his police handler daddy and police dog "partner in crime" Akim....who looks at him as if he still cant believe he has to share the bed with such an unruly monster!
Baffle who of course stayed here with us, has had some fun trips out to local dog shows as a spectator where hes met all different breeds and their owners. Apart from some car sickness hes loving his day trips!
Heres Bargain asleep as usual and Bran with his "police partner"

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