Thursday, January 15, 2009

harry and the general go forth!

Well today it was the turn of harry (farlap Constant) and "The general" (yes that really is his name!) (Farlap Chorister) to go to their new homes. I took Harry over in the morning to his new home and to meet his new Bloodhound was enthralled and the other indifferent and just wondered how long this guest was staying. Oh Dear!
The Generals owners came in the afternoon for the journey back to Wales and their bassets. He was certainly the pup that kept us most amused over the last few weeks....either because he insisted on being completely hand reared, or because he was renamed "captain mainwaring" due to his rather bossy nature and short stature. we shall rallt miss these 2 boys, and now poor Curate is all on his own with only the girls to boss him about!!
Looking forward to getting pix of the boys soon.

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