Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Defying Gravity!

Once again I seem to be ensuring my vets get a good skiiing holiday again this year! Yesterday Tennant had a trip out with "granny K" (sorry karen but thats how he know s you!) to have his hips scored. he was less than impressed with the proceedings. Gerty on the other hand, who came along for the ride, had a lovely day out meeting new people!
Last night at bed time, Gravity didnt come in and claim her usual spot by the fire, so I went in search of her only to find her collapsed in some grasses by the pond. She was completely lifeless and Andrew carried her indoors and she lay motionless all night, with me sat by her side. Shes an old girl and has already had a couple of mini strokes so we thought this was probably the big one we were expecting and made her comfortable, expecting the worst...... However by breakfast time , apart from a bit of wobbliness, she was up and about and looking for her walk! Typical Gravity!
Candle went off to our own vet for her hip and elbow scoring today, so now we must just nail bite and await all the results. Meanwhile Cinammon (in photo) is still having problems with her shoulder, which she fractured after a running accident/ it looks like more vet trips next week!


  1. Sounds like a stressful time all round. Do you have your own parking space at the vets?

    Gerty was a complete star yesterday - she's gorgeous!
